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Android Phone Running Slow and Low on Space? How to Clear App Cache Memory

Smartphones tend to get slower and start lagging after prolonged usage. Although the performance of the phone could be affected by a number of reasons, many times, the accumulated cache memory is the usual suspect. A cache is a reserved storage location that stores temporary data to help websites, browsers, and apps load faster. Some cache data are useful as they save auto-fill data, like username or password so that users don’t need to log in every other minute. But removing them from your phone browser and apps from time to time can create a big difference.  Maximum Android phones use Chrome, but alternatives will also have the option in their Settings to clear the cache. Here is how you can empty browser cache in Chrome on Android: Step 1: Open Chrome on your Android phone. Step 2: In the upper right corner of the browser, tap on the menu button, represented by three vertical dots. Step 3: Click on Settings. Step 4: Select ‘Privacy and Security.’ Step 5: Tap on Clear browsing data S



WhatsApp haitafanya kazi tena kwenye hizi simu za rununu za iOS na Android kuanzia Novemba, Je! yako ipo kwenye orodha?

WhatsApp haitafanya kazi tena kwenye hizi simu za rununu za iOS na Android kuanzia Novemba, Je! yako ipo kwenye orodha? Miezi michache iliyopita imekuwa ngumu sana kwa WhatsApp , ambayo ilizindua riwaya moja baada ya nyingine. Walakini, ubunifu huu una bei na hiyo ni kwa sababu jukwaa haliwezi tena kusaidia mifano yote ya rununu. Kwa hivyo, programu ya ujumbe ilishiriki orodha ya vifaa vya iOS na Android ambavyo haitafanya kazi tena tangu Novemba 1. Vifaa vya rununu kwenye orodha havitapokea tena msaada kutoka kwa programu hiyo na haitaambatana na WhatsApp . Hii ili kuzingatia juhudi zake kwenye simu za kisasa za kizazi kipya, ili kuhakikisha huduma bora ya programu. Kwa ujumla, vifaa vilivyoathiriwa vitakuwa na mfumo wa uendeshaji sawa au chini ya Android 4.0.3. Au, katika kesi ya iPhone, vifaa vyenye iOS 9 na mapema. Hiyo ni kusema, vifaa vya kizamani ambavyo kwa kuwa hawana uwezo wa kusaidia sasisho. Hapa kuna orodha kamili ya simu mahiri ambazo zitaachwa bila WhatsApp : And

WhatsApp will no longer work on these iOS and Android smartphones since November, is yours on the list?

WhatsApp will no longer work on these iOS and Android smartphones since November, is yours on the list?   The last few months have been quite hectic for WhatsApp , which has launched one novelty after another. However, these innovations have a price and that is because the platform is no longer capable of supporting all smartphone models . Therefore, the messaging app  shared a list  of iOS and Android devices which will no longer work since November 1. The mobile devices on the list will no longer receive support from the application and will be incompatible with WhatsApp . This in order to focus its efforts on the latest generation smartphones, to guarantee an optimal service of the app. In general, the affected devices will be those with an operating system equal to or lower than Android 4.0.3 . Or, in the case of iPhone , devices with iOS 9 and earlier . That is to say, practically obsolete equipment that since they do not have the capacity to support the updates. Here is t

Simulizi : Kifo Siku Ya Harusi Yangu Sehemu Ya Pili (2)

  Ilipoishia  Simulizi : Kifo Siku Ya Harusi Yangu Sehemu Ya Kwanza (1) Baada ya kutambulishwa darasani, Farida akatokea kuwa rafiki mkubwa wa Genesis pamoja na kijana mwingine aitwaye Chris. Katika mazungumzo yao, Farida ambaye ameitingisha shule hiyo kwa uzuri wake, wavulana wakiwa wamepania kumpata, aligundua Genesis ni mtoto kutoka familia tofauti sana na yake kiuchumi lakini hakuwa na majivuno na alikuwa muungwana.    Je, nini kitaendelea? SONGA NAYO.    Huo ndio ulikuwa mwanzo, sumaku ya mapenzi ilionekana kuwavuta karibu kadri siku zilivyozidi kusonga ingawa wote wawili walipambana nayo. Mpaka umri huo wote walikuwa bikira, kama hivi ndivyo hata wanaume wanaweza kuitwa kama hawajakutana na mwanamke kimwili! Genesis tangu kuzaliwa kwake alikuwa bado hajamjua mwanamke, kwani aliamini kufanya hivyo ilikuwa ni dhambi kubwa ambayo mtu alistahili kuchomwa moto siku ya mwisho, hivyo ndivyo alivyofundishwa na wazazi wake na pia kanisani siku za Jumapili.    Ilikuwa hivyo pia k

Breaking news: Haji S. Manara ahamia yanga

  Aliekua msemaji mkuu wa Simba SC maarufu H. S. Manara. Baada ya kutokea kutokuelewana na klabu yake aliyokua akiitumikia, leo tar 24 August 2021 ametambulishwa rasmi Yanga SC na ya kusaini kandarasi akiwa kama msemaji huru.  Nimekiwekea baadhi ya matukio bofya kuangalia. Tujikumbushe pia enzi akiwa Simba SC.