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Showing posts from November, 2022

The 10 Golden Rules of Becoming a Millionaire

 The 10 Golden Rules of Becoming a Millionaire 1. Never spend more than you make, ever When I was 10, I started cutting grass to earn money beyond my meager allowance. Minutes after earning my first buck, Mom was stuffing me in the car for a trip to the bank to open my first passbook savings account. Some 50 years later, priority one is still to put something aside from every paycheck and send out less than I bring in. Of course, life being what it is, it hasn’t always worked out that way. But in general, getting richer every month is as simple as spending less than you make, and getting poorer is as simple as spending more than you make. 2. Avoid debt like the plague Most people treat debt as if it’s a normal part of life. They divide it into categories like “good debt” and “bad debt.” They discuss it endlessly, as if it’s some mathematical mystery. Debt is not complicated. Paying money to temporarily use other people’s money makes you poorer. Charging money to temporarily let other p